Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We believe that God has called us to impact the nations. As a result of that, we actively look for opportunities to put boots on the ground in places where we can personally take the gospel. Our church supports missions work and has sent out Missionaries from our fellowship to serve in the US, and across the world. Closer to home, we have members who serve on the mission field throughout the year. This year we have had CCN Missionaries on short term trips to Rwanda, Honduras, and Haiti. Speaking of Haiti, we are developing partnerships in Haiti to help relieve poverty, spread the message of Jesus Christ, start churches, provide medical care, and to train local pastors to lead churches. Closer to home, we also serve our local community. During the year we plan outreach and missions events that make a difference in Newnan, and support local organizations that make a difference through financial gifts, and volunteerism. We also encourage all of our Small Groups to identify and participate in a local missions project each Spring and Fall. If you are interested in getting involved with Missions at CCN let's connect!

Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to Haiti
As we build partnerships with Missionaries in Haiti, we intend to actively pour into this location with the gospel. If you would be interested in participating in short term missions trips to Haiti, please begin to pray about it now, and let a Pastor know that you would be interesting in serving. A good rule of thumb for these trips is high school age and up, and the ability to hike and/or perform light manual labor is a necessity.