CCN Meets in Two Sunday Services - 9:30am and 11:15am
You Can learn
At Calvary Chapel Newnan, we're committed to teaching verse by verse through books of the Bible. By starting at the beginning of a book and working through it line by line, we come away with a greater understanding of God's Word. This approach to Bible study is called Expository Teaching, and its one of the things that makes us unique. We're also committed to inspiring worship, authentic fellowship with other believers, enjoying the Christian life in small groups, and keeping church simple.
We believe that the church should be Simple, and that Believers should grow Strong in the Lord!
We believe that the church should be Simple, and that Believers should grow Strong in the Lord!
Latest Sermon
At Calvary Chapel we are dedicated to Expository Bible teaching. We believe that a methodical approach to simply teaching God's Word, verse by verse...passage by passage, through books of the Bible, is the most effective way to learn the scriptures. Over time, you will hear teaching on every verse in the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments.
Service Times
Sunday Mornings
9:30 and 11:15am @ Elm Street Elementary School
Children's Sunday school through 5th grade at both services
Children's Sunday school through 5th grade at both services
Student Meeting
5:00pm @ Macedonia BC
Small Groups meet in homes throughout the week in a Spring and Fall term.
Check out the Small Groups page to find a group and to sign up!
Check out the Small Groups page to find a group and to sign up!